Monday, February 8, 2010

Why my iPhone rocks and winter will soon not rock.

Hi-Ho There.
Tyler here.

Kermit the Frog used to do that. From now on I'll do that...
...If a blog starts with "Hi-Ho There" don't be afraid, it's not's me.

So you may notice that Raquel and I are once again attempting to be bloggers. I guess we figure with a kid on the way, what's one more thing to try and squeeze in every week. My philosophy is to add as many features to the blog as possible. Thus the picture gadget to the right.--------------------->
(Good use of arrow, TD.
Why thank you!)

I have come to find that my iPhone has become an expert documenteur of my life. Better than myself even. Well, at least from your perspective. So in conjunction with this blog revival, I am from this day forward going to be better about NOT clicking cancel when the AutoPlay window pops up when I plug in my iPhone, and INSTEAD importing my iPhone photos to Picasa and uploading for you beautiful people to see. So enjoy...or else.
(and I can see you're concerned...there WILL be captions to further educate you on the scenes I choose to submit you to.)
[trust me, it's gonna be fun]

Furthermore...and I do mean furthermore...winter is going to quickly become my least favorite season.
(Why TD?
Thanks for asking!)
BECAUSE! It's the season that I fail to sleep. I constantly fail to occupy myself enough to create tiredness...and it sucks.
Bring on golf season!

So there you have it folks! I'm back to blogging.

Was it good for you?

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