Friday, March 26, 2010

Big East Champs!

So, one of the highlights of my past month was the Big East Championships which we were able to go to last weekend. It was awesome to see WVU work their way through the ranks and then ACTUALLY GO to the Championship, and WIN of course (check out the score!) Of course, the BEST part was being able to go with Tyler and Rusty on Rusty's birthday weekend, (although we somehow failed to give Rusty his card on time, in spite of him being here, SORRY!) Here are some pictures...these are the ones from my iphone, there are real pictures coming soon as we find the cable from my camera...which is currently buried in a box somewhere in for now you'll have to just make do with these.

Johnny West, with the Trophy

Kevin Jones, with some fans
Admittedly blurry picture of Head Coach Bob Huggins

There will be more to soon as I find that darn cord!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Due...and then some

So it's here....and gone, my due date that is. I was due yesterday, March 21, 2010, needless to say, I did not give birth yesterday, (and yes, a guaranteed way to piss off a pregnant woman, other than telling her she's not "too big", is to ask her if she's still pregnant). The fact that Isaiah is late is not surprising, and yet it is still frustrating and disappointing.

For the past few weeks, I have been hoping that Isaiah would arrive before....before his due date, before Tyler had to go to Philadelphia, before Tyler had to go back to work, before I had to come back to NY. Tyler and I pretty much pushed the limit on my being in Philadelphia, opting for me to spend my last week (39th week) in Philadelphia, and coming back to NY with my mom, Friday, 2 days before I was due. At this point, although it's excruciatingly painful for Tyler and I to be apart during this time, it doesn't make sense for me to be in Philadelphia when I could go into labor at literally any moment. So essentially, we are spending the last few days (hopefully only days, not weeks) before I deliver apart. This is FAR from ideal, and I have been dreading it since we realized it was going to happen this way.

I have to keep reminding myself though, that all in all, if that is the worst that happens, that I am blessed. I have been EXTREMELY blessed throughout this entire pregnancy. I have been around LOTS of preggo people in the past year - family, friends and co-workers, and many have had awful experiences that run the spectrum - extreme morning sickness, being unable to make it through a work day without fainting or almost fainting, pre-term labor and bleeding, miscarriage, and the death of a child. I have experienced none of this, thank God, and for that I am extremely grateful, and I recognize how blessed that is. The worst that has happened to me is an abdominal muscle tear that plagued me for about 2 months, and interrupted my sleep, and going past my due date. That isn't even a drop in the bucket of how bad things could have gone.
So as I wait to go into labor (come out baby! come out!!!) even though I'm sad, and frustrated and anxious from waiting, I continue to Praise God for my health, for Isaiah's health, and ask for continued showers of blessings of safety and comfort...oh and that I will go in to labor in the middle of the night, so that Tyler can drive up from Philadelphia and not miss the birth because of traffic.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life's Chaos

So in true "us" fashion, we are doing tons of things at the same time. Apparently this is how we like to do it, (so says my mother). Currently, we are: having a baby (any day now), moving to another state (Pennsylvania), doing house repairs, and starting a new job (for Tyler). Doing so many things at once clearly is really stressful, but thank God everything is working out. The biggest thing that we had to deal with was the issue of housing. Our current landlords have been foreclosed on, so we have been dealing with that issue, and trying to make sure that we have enough time to move at our own timing, and not be forced to move before we're ready. Thankfully God has provided a place for us to live in Philadelphia, which allows us to move slowly but surely. Additionally, we think that we are going to be able to stay in our current apartment for much longer than we will need.

The other big issue is that Tyler is going to have to start work Monday, which makes me sad, because that means that he has to live in Philadelphia while we're waiting for the baby to be born. All in all, it won't be a huge deal, because I will just call him when I start going in to labor, and Philadelphia is close enough that he will be able to make it long before I actually give birth. But I wish that he didn't have to go, and that he could just stay with me. This will be better though, because his boss will be able to give him time off once the baby is born, instead of him being with me while we wait.

Something else that we are working on is house repairs. We are going to be staying at my grandmother's house, which is really great because its convenient and has lots of room. There is also just a bunch of work to be done on it. Thank God, Tyler and I are blessed with family members and friends who are ready and willing to help. This past weekend, Tyler, his mom, my dad and I, (more all of them, than me, lol) were able to do a lot of work at the house, and get started on the re-painting process. Its definitely time consuming, but I'm also really glad that I am able to be patient about the whole process. I'm in no rush to bet everything done before the baby is born (b/c that would be impossible) and am able to accept the little that we are able to do at a time. Hopefully this patience will last. Re-doing the house is a little intimidating because it can get expensive if things are really old, or need to be fixed. For example, we discovered that the hall sink is leaking. Hopefully it will be a simple one-part fix...we'll see.

All in all, God has continued to bless us by providing for us. We have never wanted for anything, even down to baby items. Tyler and I have to buy very little for the baby ourselves, because we have such generous family members and friends. He has also provided time for us to move calmly without a rush, a comfortable place for us to live, and people to help us get stuff done. When I look at the next year, or even just the next 6 months, I get extremely intimidated, especially when I think about the financial side of things, (especially considering I'm not going to be working anymore, our car needs to be repaired, and both of our computers are dying - with one completely dead at the moment...) but I know that God will continue to provide for us as he always has. We may not be able to enjoy the same lifestyle that we want, or are used to, but all of our needs will be met. And we can always use a wake-up call about what a "need" really is. :)