Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parental hygiene

...or lack thereof.

I always heard people say that once you became a parent, that you wont care how you look anymore. And I vowed not to be like that. And I'm not...exactly. But as evidenced by the pictures that were taken of me in the hospital, i had more important things to worry about than the fact that I looked like CRAP. Slowly but surely I'm making progress. I'm wearing real clothes now - not just sweatpants, and I've even put on make-up a few times since he was born. And then this morning, my LOVELY son, whom I love, decided to start my day off my vomiting down my shirt - a direct shot. The upside of that, was that Tyler was still home, and so I could pass Isaiah off to Tyler, and shower! (Which doesn't happen every day I'm afraid...) It's REALLY hard to find 5 minutes to shower (and that's all it takes me - ask Katrina!) when you have a baby! For many reasons! So yeah, he sleeps sometimes everyday - BUT - that sleep time is not guaranteed to happen at a certain time, nor is there a guarantee of how long he will sleep for. And that sleep time is more valuable than GOLD I tell you...(except that if I had gold, then Tyler and I could both be home, and maybe I would be able to shower more often...) Anyway, when he does fall asleep, I immediately have a few important decisions to make. Will I - sleep? pump milk so that Tyler can help me feed him later? Do dishes? Do laundry? Cook dinner? Eat breakfast or lunch or anything? Clean something? or shower? Unfortunately (for me and Tyler) showering is significantly less of a priority than those other things I mentioned. I'm working on trying to get better and multi-tasking, and being faster! Maybe one day, I will be able to shower, throw in laundry, eat and wash dishes in 30 minutes. For now, I'm going to try and find time to shower everyday, sans vomit.

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