So today, Isaiah is 17 days old today - that's so incredible to me!! He is totally over his jaundice, which is great, and he's changing so much! His face is different, fuller I think. And he is so strong!! he has a fierce grip, and also has a surprising amount of neck strength! He will push himself up on your chest, and hold his head up. Granted its pretty wobbly, but still, its pretty good, i think for a 17 day old! This morning, Tyler put him on his stomach, for some tummy time, and he picked up his head, and turned it! (I'm sure all of these things are pretty boring to you readers, but to me, its VERY exciting!) AND HE SMILES! He smiles so much!! (And I don't want to hear "it's just gas!" I believe its real smiles!) He smiles about 1x a day, generally after he's finished a good feeding, and is about to fall asleep. He also smiles in his sleep. I think those smiles get me through the day (or night) sometimes. Because how can you be frustrated when you see that precious smile?!
We are making it through the days. We are slowly but surely adjusting to life here in Philadelphia, and as parents. Last night was AWESOME because Isaiah slept for two 4 hour stints! When I woke up for his first feeding, I thought I had missed one, because it couldn't POSSIBLY have been 4 hours since he last ate! But it was - thank God! Tyler and I are figuring out also how to juggle the nighttime schedule, we're still getting the hang of it. I try to get up with Isaiah a lot, because Tyler has to go to work, but I'm realizing that I also need to get some sleep for longer than 2 or 3 hours at a time. Tyler is GREAT and is totally willing to help out, so as long as I have milk pumped, and let him, he's will help out, all I have to do is ask. And he is
awesome with Isaiah.
I'm pretty sure there are few things better than seeing your spouse with your kids. Tyler is SO obsessed with Isaiah (who wouldn't be!?) and its totally adorable. Not that I didn't expect it, but having never had kids before, and never having really seen Tyler with kids, I wasn't really sure what to expect. But he's SO good with Isaiah! So patient, and helpful. Tyler's eyes light up when he comes home, and holds Isaiah. I LOVE IT! I do not know how people do it alone, I can barely do it, and I have a loving husband, and family nearby, and there are still moments, (at least once a day), when I think "I cannot do this!" But, everyday, I get through it.
It was definitely overwhelming the first few days that Tyler went back to work, and when breastfeeding was going horribly. I wanted to give up, and just formula feed, (and get the kind that makes them sleep longer at night). I wasn't sure that I could actually do it, and would cry, but it's getting better! I'm pretty sure there's no worse feeling then not being able to meet the needs of your child. He would cry because he was hungry, and I couldn't pacify him. Now, things are better, breastfeeding is going better, and I'm able to pump and nurse, so that Tyler, (or someone else) can help me with feeding. I think that my mood still is dependent on how much sleep I get, but hey - who isn't crankier when they haven't sleep? So I think that is normal.
It's a little weird still, being home 24/7, not working, not going to church, sleeping at random times. Its okay, but I definitely want to get out soon, or else the cabin fever is going to get to me. I'm really looking forward to being able to see more family, go to church, and hopefully meet some other young families.
Here are some more pictures... I haven't gotten the hang of how to import pictures to the blog in an organized fashion (HELP!) but at least you can see my peanut!!
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