Man oh man! I promised myself that I would be better about blogging this time. Seems it lasted...for a while, and hit. So its been about 2 months since the last time I blogged, and MAN a lot has changed. It would take too long to recount everything, but here are the highlights;
- I started looking for a job
- I found a job
- I found a babysitter for Isaiah
- Isaiah started "da-da-da"ing
- I started a job
- We ate lots of food for Thanksgiving
- We went out Black Friday shopping
- I started reading again!
- Isaiah started crawling almost faster than I can walk...
- I discovered (Thanks Colleen!)
- I discovered (Thanks Tyler!)
- I discovered that a few weeks into my new job, I still have time to browse the internet during the day.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This year Tyler and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we went back to Ithaca, NY to cisit Cornell University where it all started. This is the first time that we have really been back to Cornell since we graduated in May of 2007. Here are some pictures from our brief, but FUN visit. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Milestones MILESTONES!
We also rode the swing set for the first time. Isaiah enjoyed the first 5 minutes or so, but then he didn't really know what to do with himself, so he started crying. When in doubt, cry I guess is their motto as children. LOL.
Another milestone, although this is a Mommy milestone is that I finally have a car! I won't say I own it, its more like I owe someone money on a car, but hey, you get the point. It's really exciting, because with the car, Isaiah and I have a lot more freedom. We can go to playdates, the supermarket, anywhere we have to without having to inconvenience Tyler, my Mom, or ourselves. It's very exciting! So now that we have a "baby car" we will have many more adventures! I will also try to post pictures from those here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Let's go Phillies!! 8.11.10
So I only like baseball live. I can't stand watching it on TV. And since we are in Philadelphia, and the Pirates are awful, we can enjoy the Phillies. We took Isaiah to his first Phillies game, and he did great! He took a nice little nap on our way down 95 to rest up for the game.
GO STEELERS!!!! (Early August)
Yes, I grew up in Philadelphia, and YES I am a Steelers fan! How that happened is anyone's guess, but YES Tyler is very lucky to have an awesome sports-loving wife like me! I have had my Polamalu jersey for a few years now, so OF COURSE we had to get Isaiah his jersey. We have to be ready for pre-season football!! Thanks to Nana he has 2 jerseys now! Here are we are sporting our pride...we're only missing our terrible towels!

Rollover! Rollover! (early July)
I'm going to have to back date some posts to catch you up on Isaiah. So the date of the event will be in the title...sorry to be so confusing. Anyway, so Isaiah started rolling over in early July. It was slow progress at first, but once he got the hang of it he couldn't stop himself from doing it! Here are some examples of his work.

I love the picture of him in the swing. He was in there, and didn't want to be, so he tried to roll himself out. Almost worked had I not been paying attention! LOL.
I love the picture of him in the swing. He was in there, and didn't want to be, so he tried to roll himself out. Almost worked had I not been paying attention! LOL.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Melody's wedding
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Water Baby!
Apparently I'm still bad at keeping up with blogging....oh well, I'm working on it! So...what have we been up to....well lots. Lots of swimming thats for sure. Isaiah is a water baby! Just like his mommy. He really enjoys swimming, especially his turtle floaty.

See how much he enjoys it?

Here is one thing he does NOT enjoy!
We've been doing a bunch of this this summer, and it has been awesome! He rarely if ever cries in the water. What's really funny is watching him splash himself unknowingly, and then look around to see who splashed him. SO funny!
See how much he enjoys it?
Here is one thing he does NOT enjoy!
We've been doing a bunch of this this summer, and it has been awesome! He rarely if ever cries in the water. What's really funny is watching him splash himself unknowingly, and then look around to see who splashed him. SO funny!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Random Phun Photos!
3 months and growing strong!
Isaiah is 3 months old! It's so amazing to think that so much time has gone by! And Isaiah is growing at an amazing rate! He was so skinny when he was born, all skin and bones, and now he is chubby!! Its awesome! On top of that he is growing a ton developmentally. Here are some milestones that he has reached so far!
- he has a social smile, and uses it all the time!
- he can track objects and people really well
- he can rollover from his back to his stomach with a quickness!
- he can hold his head at a 90 degree angle for about 1-2 minutes at a time
- he is able to reach and grasp for objects (although his accuracy is a little off)
- he's sleeping through the nights (for about 8 hours at a time! - SWEET!)
- he has discovered his hands and mouth, and is chewing on his fist 24/7
Here is a video of his rolling over feat! So exciting!
Monday, July 12, 2010
The happy sun-kissed family!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach! Unfortunately with Tyler's schedule, we don't get to go to the beach that often, together that is. But this year, we got the chance to take Isaiah, together down the shore to my friend Sarah's beach house in Wildwood, NJ. Isaiah did really well. He even liked the water, kind of...The day was VERY relaxing. Isaiah was zapped by the heat, so he slept for a good while, but we went in the water a few times too. All in all it was an AWESOME day for our little family. Much thanks to the Hoeflers for being so hospitable.
Napping with Mommy
Fourth of July!
Tyler had to work for 4th of July, but we didn't let that stop us from having a good time. On the 3rd we went with my family to Penn's Landing to see the Philadelphia Orchestra play a free outdoor concert followed by fireworks. It was fun (minus navigating through hellacious crowds). Isaiah did really really well! Although he was initially overwhelmed by the crowds, heat and hype, he calmed down. When it came time for the fireworks, he really enjoyed them! He was totally enthralled by the bright lights and accompanying music. All in all it was a WONDERFUL evening!
It's not a birthmark!
An will notice that Isaiah has a red spot on his chest. It is not a birthmark, it is a hemangioma. A Hemangioma is a build-up of blood cells. It can appear anywhere on the body, Isaiah happens to have it on his chest. It can grow for up to the first year of life, and then it disappears. It sometimes can take up to 10 years to disappear. So anyway, that's what it is!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Rocky Gap
Oh Man! It's halfway through July! Where did June go? Wherever it went, it went quickly. We have been pretty busy, doing lots of here is a brief look at what the past month and a half has held for us.
A few weeks ago we got to see Nana and Pappy at Rocky Gap Lodge and Spa in Maryland. Tyler's going to play a PAT (playing ability test) there in a few weeks, so we headed down to test out the course, and since its only about 1.5 hours from Morgantown, Nana and Pappy met us there. This was the first time that we had seen them since they were in NYC for Isaiah's birth. Now he was 2 months older and a lot different from when they last saw him.
While the guys played gold, Leilani and I watched Isaiah and took turns at the spa. I got a much needed massage, that made me feel like a human being again. Also exciting was that we took Isaiah into a pool for the first time. He did really well!! We are very proud of him! he ill be a swimmer like his Mama apparently

A few weeks ago we got to see Nana and Pappy at Rocky Gap Lodge and Spa in Maryland. Tyler's going to play a PAT (playing ability test) there in a few weeks, so we headed down to test out the course, and since its only about 1.5 hours from Morgantown, Nana and Pappy met us there. This was the first time that we had seen them since they were in NYC for Isaiah's birth. Now he was 2 months older and a lot different from when they last saw him.
While the guys played gold, Leilani and I watched Isaiah and took turns at the spa. I got a much needed massage, that made me feel like a human being again. Also exciting was that we took Isaiah into a pool for the first time. He did really well!! We are very proud of him! he ill be a swimmer like his Mama apparently
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