Sunday, May 8, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Random Pictures of the Fam...
Since I have sucked soooo badly at blogging, I'm gonna make up for it by putting up random pictures of our adorable child. Don't take my word for it though....look for yourself. HE'S AWESOME!

We went to Friendly's, he takes after his parents and LOVED it, especially the ice cream.
OMG, look at that smile! And happiness! And that STUDLY sweater? I mean, COME ON!
I love this picture! and his hat. I picked it out myself, spent forever looking for it! I wanted a Russian hat for him, but could only find one with puppies on it. SOOOO CUTE! And his shirt is accurate, he's soooo big!

Teething biscuits are lifesavers, especially when you have not one, but TWO teeth! These particular favorite's are the vanilla-flavored ones from Whole Foods. I never got to Whole Foods, but I will make a special trip to get those suckers. On a cautionary note, they are MESSY! Hence, the bib - in case you were wondering, the bib says "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's." I'm pretty sure that an accurate statement.
I love these two, I also love mornings where we can all sleep in together. Isaiah may not look super thrilled here, but TRUST me, he is thrilled.
My HANDSOME baby!!! Wearing his outfit courtesy of Titi Alicia and Tio Justin.
Christmas! in February....
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Blogging Fail
So inspite of my best efforts, I continue to fail at blogging. Oh well, I can only try and keep uo when I remember to. The good thing about forgetting though, is that you have lots to talk about once you DO blog. So there's a silver lining to everything! So, as Jenny SOOOO importantly pointed out, Isaiah is a gremlin, b/c he growls ALL the time. Its pretty hilarious! Other accomplishments since the last time I posted:
- he has not one tooth but TWO! Both on the bottom, its his front two teeth! HAHAHA! And those suckers are SHARP! He will totally bite you too, so don't get to close.
- with the advent of his teeth, is the introduction of more foods. So far blueberries, and carbs of all types are favorites. Also, bananas and apples. He's not so much a fan of eating peas, but he does love to squish them.
- he is toying with the idea of walking. He has one of those push/walk cars, and he pushes them all around the floor like a drunk driver, (ie, not in a straight line)
- He is still "da-da-da-ing" a lot. He throws me a bone every once in a while and "mamas", but its obviously not as fun a syllable to say as "da".
- CHRISTMAS HAPPENED! Christmas was fun, and as anti-climactic and anyone with a <1 year old knows. He was more interested in the paper than the actual toys, but now a few months later he's getting the hang of playing with the musical toys we bought him. SO far his favorite past time is banging balls together and eating puzzle pieces. I don't see what is wrong with that at all! :)
In other news, this weekend is a spectacularly HUGE weekend....wanna guess why??? If you guessed a) Tyler and My birthday and b) the Super Bowl which includes the Pittsburgh Steelers, then you are correct!!!! Every few years the Super Bowl happens on the same day as our birthday, and it just so happens that this year our team is in the Super Bowl as well. It's really a perfect storm for greatness. :) In true form, we are having a Birthday/Super Bowl Extravaganza, full with team-color-coordinated foods, (maybe if I'm not a total failure, I will actually post some pics of the event.)
In other news, our jobs are going really well. We have mostly got a handle on this 2-working-parent home deal, and we have all adjusted quite well. We plan to move in the beginning of March to an apartment that is equidistant from Tyler and my jobs. This will cut down our commute time in half for both of us, and therefore make our lives a bit easier. We will have to move Isaiah from our current babysitter (which is sooooo sad) but I'm hoping and praying that Isaiah adjusts well. I think that the hardest thing for him is going to be going from napping in a quiet room, to napping in a room full of other not-s-quiet babies. I know that he will be fine, but I'm a little heartbroken that we have to leave Melissa's. She's pretty awesome.
Hopefully I will post again sooner than 2 months from now....GO STEELERS!
- he has not one tooth but TWO! Both on the bottom, its his front two teeth! HAHAHA! And those suckers are SHARP! He will totally bite you too, so don't get to close.
- with the advent of his teeth, is the introduction of more foods. So far blueberries, and carbs of all types are favorites. Also, bananas and apples. He's not so much a fan of eating peas, but he does love to squish them.
- he is toying with the idea of walking. He has one of those push/walk cars, and he pushes them all around the floor like a drunk driver, (ie, not in a straight line)
- He is still "da-da-da-ing" a lot. He throws me a bone every once in a while and "mamas", but its obviously not as fun a syllable to say as "da".
- CHRISTMAS HAPPENED! Christmas was fun, and as anti-climactic and anyone with a <1 year old knows. He was more interested in the paper than the actual toys, but now a few months later he's getting the hang of playing with the musical toys we bought him. SO far his favorite past time is banging balls together and eating puzzle pieces. I don't see what is wrong with that at all! :)
In other news, this weekend is a spectacularly HUGE weekend....wanna guess why??? If you guessed a) Tyler and My birthday and b) the Super Bowl which includes the Pittsburgh Steelers, then you are correct!!!! Every few years the Super Bowl happens on the same day as our birthday, and it just so happens that this year our team is in the Super Bowl as well. It's really a perfect storm for greatness. :) In true form, we are having a Birthday/Super Bowl Extravaganza, full with team-color-coordinated foods, (maybe if I'm not a total failure, I will actually post some pics of the event.)
In other news, our jobs are going really well. We have mostly got a handle on this 2-working-parent home deal, and we have all adjusted quite well. We plan to move in the beginning of March to an apartment that is equidistant from Tyler and my jobs. This will cut down our commute time in half for both of us, and therefore make our lives a bit easier. We will have to move Isaiah from our current babysitter (which is sooooo sad) but I'm hoping and praying that Isaiah adjusts well. I think that the hardest thing for him is going to be going from napping in a quiet room, to napping in a room full of other not-s-quiet babies. I know that he will be fine, but I'm a little heartbroken that we have to leave Melissa's. She's pretty awesome.
Hopefully I will post again sooner than 2 months from now....GO STEELERS!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
It's December....Oh No!
Man oh man! I promised myself that I would be better about blogging this time. Seems it lasted...for a while, and hit. So its been about 2 months since the last time I blogged, and MAN a lot has changed. It would take too long to recount everything, but here are the highlights;
- I started looking for a job
- I found a job
- I found a babysitter for Isaiah
- Isaiah started "da-da-da"ing
- I started a job
- We ate lots of food for Thanksgiving
- We went out Black Friday shopping
- I started reading again!
- Isaiah started crawling almost faster than I can walk...
- I discovered (Thanks Colleen!)
- I discovered (Thanks Tyler!)
- I discovered that a few weeks into my new job, I still have time to browse the internet during the day.
- I started looking for a job
- I found a job
- I found a babysitter for Isaiah
- Isaiah started "da-da-da"ing
- I started a job
- We ate lots of food for Thanksgiving
- We went out Black Friday shopping
- I started reading again!
- Isaiah started crawling almost faster than I can walk...
- I discovered (Thanks Colleen!)
- I discovered (Thanks Tyler!)
- I discovered that a few weeks into my new job, I still have time to browse the internet during the day.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This year Tyler and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we went back to Ithaca, NY to cisit Cornell University where it all started. This is the first time that we have really been back to Cornell since we graduated in May of 2007. Here are some pictures from our brief, but FUN visit. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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